Wednesday, 14 January 2015

settings to my film

My opening two minutes of my film were shot in the woods. The reason behind it being that i feel the woods have a spooky feel to it and watching many horror films I realized that they were mainly shot in big abandoned houses, hospitals and woods when concerning paranormal activity. My film consist of paranormal activity and so having one of these popular settings in my film i fell will make my film better. As  I couldn't film in abandoned houses or a hospital as they are private buildings and in need of permission to film on. I choose to shot my film in the woods as it is a public place and in that sense could make my film that much more freaky as this possessed girl is killing victims without being seen even with all these people walking around.

film title

I used this film title as this is the name of the main character and villain of my film. Elvira means 'mistress of darkness' as so i feel fits in perfectly with the villain of my film as she is possessed and that is a alter-met  element of darkness,  

I used this style of text because i feel that that its clean and sharp which may keep the viewers on the edge of their seats as the title may suggest that danger is coming within the film. Also i feel the style of this title shows the audience the genre of the film which is horror and it is this reason on why i choose to use this title in my film. 

Changes to my film

I had to make a few changes to my film as the original actors i was planning to do my film were unable to do get to the filming. so we altered the story line of my film to compromise around this.
we altered the opening two minutes to one single victim walking home through the woods.   

Tuesday, 6 January 2015



Genre Research and mind-maps (3 posts)

Uploaded YouTube videos of openings – analysed (10 openings)

Opening titles analysed in detail – font researched

Uploaded YouTube videos of similar genre openings analysed in detail (3 posts)

Costume and location research – google earth and pictures you’ve taken. (At least 2 posts)

Actors and props photos and interviews

Soundtrack research (non-copyright music)

Audience Research and Profiling (typical audience member and similar films)

Institution research (Paramount etc)
Certificate research
Include other Certificates e.g 15


Own film idea brainstorm

Own film treatment

Relevant Online Tutorials (on filming and editing) and Comments (At least 2 posts)

Documenting of influences on production

Shot lists

Consideration of representation in your film and stereotyping – use theory from G325.

Questionnaire (and feedback) Get some feedback on your initial ideas!
Good detail
Diary of filming/editing etc with photos and screen grabs (At least 3 posts)

Mood board


Practice titles created and uploaded

Storyboard – animatic.

Time Management Schedule – what you did& when, problems you encountered& solved

Codes and Conventions featured in your Opening Two Minutes

Ensure that all posts have a title, detailed comments and relevant pictures which are commented on.
Some Completed